Monday, May 10, 2010

Corneal Abuse

Corneal Foreign Body -

With this beautiful weather, we're all spending more time outdoors working on our yards or playing on the lake! We can always tell that when we have more emergency eye appointments! Always remember to wear protective eyewear to prevent foreign bodies damaging your eyes and make sure that you practice good hygiene with your contact lenses. Wearing your contact lenses for too long or in dirty environments, like the lake, can lead to eye conditions that require treatment. Some of these conditions include
Corneal damage: Contact lens overuse, or corneas overexposed UV light, essentially starves the cornea of oxygen. The result: blurry vision, pain, excessive tearing, redness and sensitivity to light.
Corneal warping: This is a condition in which the cornea changes shape due to lack of oxygen from overwear. The result: uneven or fluctuating vision.
Bacterial, viral or fungal infections: Wearing your contact lenses for too long or in not-so-clean environments also can result in bacterial or fungal infections, especially in those who sleep in their contact lenses.

If you experience any of these syptoms you should remove the contact lenses immediately and call us before your vision is damaged permanently.
-Ashley Perry, Clinical Technician

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